August 24

Birds of Paradise Games, Dunedin

- 2250 points
- Double FOC
- Allies
- Up to one fortification
- Forge World units with 40k Approved stamp from Imperial Armor Apocalypse 2nd Edition & Aeronautica
- Bran Redmaw is allowed for Space Wolf armies

All models must be WYSIWYG. No proxies.
If you use Forge World then you must use the actual models and you must bring the rules.
Bring five printed copies of your army list (Army Builder Tournament format is required).

This is a perfect time to test your armies. We will use actual GT missions.

Modifications to the GT format
• 3 rounds
• Rounds are 2.5 hours each
• 5 turns with one possible extra turn 6 on a roll of 4+ on 1d6
• Final standings will be determined by W-L record and total battle points accrued