Back to this awesome guy.  After todays session I looked at him and said "Damn! I love him."  What a beautiful model.

Chains, studs, metal parts on Crozius Arcanum and combi-flamer Leadbelcher.  Grip on combi-flamer Scab Red.

JJ painting,

Blood drop and low highlight Scab Red.

Time for some magic.  And magic it was.  Ironbreaker highlights on Leadbelcher.  Evil Sunz Scarlet highlight on Scab Red.

This is where he really pops and my work turned to love.  With some pieces this happens.  I'm working on a piece til something occurs and a switch is flipped.  Before this the model was just a model.  This step it graduated from model to love.  Handle of Crozius Arcanum Dark Flesh.  Key parts Auric Armour Gold.  Further highlight on combi-flamer handle Blazing Orange.

Next majour session with this guy and he should be done.  Unfortunately that session is many days away.  Creating my commission website with my Love over the next two weeks.  CONvergence season is ramping up into high gear which means less time at home.  Other projects that have been on the back burner for too long.  Thank goodness for being able to schedule posts.  Have about two weeks of posts scheduled.

slainte mhath