This is my kind of xeno trophy |
Tippcon was this past weekend. Since I used to go to Purdue, I couldn't pass on a chance to visit West Laf. I took my girlfriend with me to show her around while not playing in the tournament. While in numbers it wasn't as many people as I had expected, it was far more competitive with a lot of big names and top placers all in one room. I had brought a Nid list, so I was already losing some confidence from the go.
First match up was against Junkcrons. He also plays nids, so he knew exactly what to do. With something like 15 wraiths, 2 fliers and 3 barges, I was in for a tough fight. I had gotten a few enfeebles, so to make sure his wraiths didn't get instant killed by all of my S6, he played keep away the entire game. I couldn't hurt AV13 from afar. Hot dice on his end, and cold on my end saw the game go quickly with me killing 2 wraiths the entire game and having 6 gaunts left at the end.
From there I faced Draigo-wing and then a nurgle list, both of those I won by mostly board control, and scored almost full points. I then faced against a solid grey knight list, and while I felt like it was a close fight, I did little actual damage and lost by a lot. In the end though, 2-2 wasn't bad, and had enough extra points to squeak into the top 8, along with the other tyranid player.
Day two saw my first round against a necron list very similar to what I faced day 1, and at the bottom of turn 4, it looked like I might pull out a win. But alas you can't keep a good robot down, and we tied on objectives and I lost by kill points, with me having first blood, and him with slay the warlord.
Since I was out of the running and had a girlfriend to show around the city, I didn't stay for the rest of the finals, but Since it came to Nemesis and Spag fighting it out at the last table for a second year, I'm sure they will have a story to tell. Though through it all, I managed to leave with best Xenos, beating the other Tyranid player by 1 tiny point.
So the pros/cons of tippcon?
- The Missions; They were creative and still competitive. Multiple relics with other objectives, along with wonky deployment meant for a fun game, though maybe a little reworking to avoid the chaos it brought.
- The Tables; Though they were more like 4.5 by 6ft, The tables were nicely spread out. Before each game we were able to place our terrain. Being able to put a hill where needed was good, and there was a lot of terrain per table.
- The venue: The Best Western had a very nice conference room, and there was plenty of space for even a Starwars event on the other half. It was a very nice location right off of 65.
- The Missions; I am not a fan of playing two missions at the same time as primary. Especially when the majority of missions were Kill points vs multiple objectives.
- The objectives; Mysterious objectives are silly and random, and only benefit certain armies. They just extra rolling and are very one sided. Also being able to place objectives instead of preplaced meant I lost more than one game because my opponent got 3 of the five, and placed the all the furthest back possible so I had no chance of ever getting to them.
- The terrain; While there was plenty of terrain, it was mostly large flat hills/plateaus. I would have liked to see them cut down a bit and stacked taller. I couldn't ever put a gaunt out of line of sight. There were also very few ruins or pieces of large area terrain. While I did enjoy placing terrain, I feel it ended up taking to long. Having some key features set, and allowing smaller ones to be placed would have been a nice compromise.
If you couldn't make it to Tippcon, but are interested in local tournaments, then check the Even Calendar over at 40k Prey.