Yesterday Games Workshop posted a special Iyanden Ghost Warrior Bundle, now you can get it at 20% off.
My friends at Dice of War are offering the same exact collection of miniatures Games Workshop offered in their Iyanden One Click Bundle.  But at 20% off!

Games Workshop was charging full price at $ 671.75 which was no discount over the individual prices of all the models.  As readers know, that bugged me.

So when I was chatting with Eric and Erin at Dice of War (The game store I started a few months ago and promptly sold when GW threatened me), about this, Erin suggested offering the same exact bundle at a discount.  Always good to have a solution when you bring up a problem!

The Iyanden Ghost Warrior collection includes: 

2 Eldar Wraithknights
4 boxes of Eldar Wraithguard/Wraithblades
2 Wraithlords
2 Hemlock Wraithfighter/Crimson Hunters
1 Eldar Spiritseer.

So if you want to buy this, just email Erin Coplan at and she will hook you up and the shipping is free!  

Always good to have a solution when you bring up a problem!
