I plan on coming back to the blogosphere probably next week.  I'm using the current time to write a few articles and get ahead of schedule at this point in time.  I feel like I've been away from the blogging world for eons, although I guess a month really amounts to a lot of change over time.  

So where have I been?  On May 23rd my wife and I welcomed our newest addition to our household, a baby girl!  She's been quite a handful since she is our first child but it's been a blast.  Although a very tiring blast at that.  All of us are finally starting to settle down into a comfortable zone and so I should be able to find enough time to keep up on the blog again.

So much has happened in the past month in the hobby world.  Eldar are out and terrorizing most other armies.  I really think that this book is far more powerful than the internet critics gave it credit for.  That being said, I warned people in my local circle about Mr. Kelly months ago.  He really is a lazy writer and rules developer who prefers to tweak things as opposed to developing new rules and different approaches.  Nonetheless, I'll save the Eldar talk for an actual article.

So what do I have planned coming up?  Well I still owe everyone a progress report on the Screaming Bell Landship and other Fantasy updates.  As mentioned above I still plan to discuss Eldar at length and talk about my own list and games played (so far none, but I'm hoping to play this weekend).  I have a few more generic articles about the hobby and adapting to changes in your own life while still participating.  Lastly, I have updates on the Malifaux warband.

Take care until next time, my friends!