So I just recently made reservations and plans to attend the Golden Throne GT in Pleasanton CA (an hour east of San Fransisco). This post will cover the tournament itself along with the list I plan on bringing. All feedback is welcome and if anyone lives in Southern CA and wants to help me practice my army feel free to e-mail me!

The tournament is about 380 miles from where I live (I live in the Costa Mesa area) so I'm going to make a road trip of it with my wife (bless her soul) and go site seeing along the way and a few days after the tournament so if anyone knows any great touristy things to do, let me know as well. Sofar we have a Muir Woods and Alcatraz Tour booked. Anyway, on with the Tournament info...

Tournament overview:
The official web page for the Golden Throne Grand Tournament can be found here for those interested in going or reading up on it. Essentially, it's a 2000 point tournament that allows Double Force Org (including 2 sets of Allies/Fortifications as per BRB) as well as Forge World.


1Vanguard StrikeCrusade (3 objectives)
2Hammer and AnvilPurge the Alien
3Dawn of WarBig Guns Never Tire (5 objectives)
4Vanguard StrikeThe Scouring
5Hammer and AnvilCrusade (3 objectives)
6Dawn of WarBig Guns Never Tire (5 objectives)
ChampionshipDawn of WarCrusade (3 objectives)

The army list:
This is a hybrid Mech/Foot list I was working on and I think it will do quite well. It has the resilience to not give up first blood easily while the Dark Reapers should guarantee me getting First Blood if my opponent fails to get it. The list also has enough mobility to get Line Breaker and hopefully enough firepower to get Slay the Warlord as well as enough scoring to get objectives.

2000 total

Eldar Primary: 1475

HQ: 170

-Farseer: 100

-Spiritseer: 70

Explanation: The Farseer is there to hopefully get Fortune or some useful Divination power (like Misfortune) while sticking with Guide/Prescience if all else fails. Guide/Prescience will help the Dark Reapers hit harder and help mitigate the Ritide's poor BS of 3 though I might try to include some Markerlight Drones on the Commander somehow to help out the Riptide. 

The Spiritseer is there to unlock Wraithguard as troops and provide Conceal to the Dark Reapers for a 2+ cover save behind the Aegis without having to go to ground. Bonus if I roll any other useful powers.

Troops: 811

-Wave Serpent:Scatter Laser, Holofields, Vectored Engines=150

-Dire Avengers:65
-Wave Serpent:Scatter Laser, Holofields=135

-Dire Avengers:65
-Wave Serpent:Scatter Laser, Holofields=135

-Windrider Jetbike Squadron: 51

Explanation: D-Scythe equipped Wraithguard seem amazing and I've heard/read amazing things about them. There is so much utility a unit with AP2 Flamers can give your army in addition to auto-penetrating or instant death on a 6. With a natural T of 6, this can be a problem unit to deal with for many armies, especially if my Spiritseer is with them and rolls good powers for them (depending on match-up). Ghost Walk Matrix and Vectored Engines are there because I had the points and want to take out any chance of failing terrain checks while giving the short ranged template weapons as much movement as possible. Essentially hold back to respond to incoming units and shoot with the Serpent or move flat-out and get near a target of opportunity like something sitting in a Bastion or what-not.

The Dire Avengers are there to be cheap scoring units and a place to get Wave Serpents. Wave Serpents are amazing and they last long enough so that my Dire Avengers will only have to get out when there is not much left to shoot at them hopefully. Jetbikes are there because they are a good, cheap and fast scoring unit to throw around and or get Line-Breaker.

Fast Attack: 152

-Warp Spiders:152

Explanation: Fast and potent firepower. Also, they score in Scouring and are a top notch denial/Line Breaker unit with all of their movement. Of anything in my list, this is probably what I am the most unsure about including as I personally make a point to kill enemy Warp Spiders in the first two turns so I seldom see what they can do and I assume my opponents will try to kill them dead ASAP as well so it might just be wasted points, who knows? Still, a very nice little unit to throw around the flanks or get line-breaker with.

Heavy Support: 342

-Dark Reapers:
30(base)*5=150+32(4X Star Shot)+10(Exarch)+10(EML)+10(Flak)+10(Fast Shot)=222
-Wave Serpent:110(base)+5(Scatter Laser)=120

Explanation: These guys will do the heavy lifting in the army and with the Tau Allies will be a win condition IMO. They all have S8 shooting to threaten vehicles and the S5 shots are great for any infantry while when Guided can threaten any Flyers as well. The Tau Commander (see below) will give them access to Ignores Cover and Tank/MC hunter rules which really makes them potent. Fast Shot on the Exarch makes the Icarus a great option as you now have 2 shots at BS5 (hopefully Guided) with Tank Hunter that also Ignores Cover, what's not to love about that? Keep them in a Wave Serpent with Farseer so they can be Fortuned first turn and be protected from enemy shooting...Then you have an extra Serpent to throw around and do stuff with as well. Added bonus that they are scoring in 2 of the missons (Big Guns).

Fortification: 85

50(base)+35(Icarus Lascannon)=85

Explanation: I know that 3++ did some math that said the Quad-Gun was the best for anti-air but ultimately, I think with a Fast Shot, Ignores Cover, Tank Hunter model, the Icarus is better hands down because of that extra shot. Much greater chance to just kill the target outright and that is what I am going for. Plus, Turn 1 I have a great anti-tank weapon that can reliably threaten things like Annihilation Barges and Land Raiders. I just think the S9 and AP2 is too good to pass up..

Tau Allies:440

-Commander: 195
85(base)+20(multi sensor suite)+15(puretide engram neruochip)+25(heavy Iridium)+5(Onager Gauntlet)+20(Velocity Tracker)+5(early warning override)+5(Target Lock)+15(missile pod)=195

180(base)+5(Ion Accelerator)+0(Fusion)+5(early warning override)=185 


Explanation: The Commander is there to generally buff the Dark Reapers and tank for them with the 2+ armor and T5. I plan on keeping him a bit more forward so as to have to take the brunt of the shooting unless I fail LOS and if I am lucky, I can get Renew on my Spiritseer to heal lost wounds! Nothing like granting Ignores Cover with Tank/MC hunter to a unit like Dark Reapers! If I really wanted to work it out, I could also somehow move so that he can join a unit of Wraithguard with D-Scythes as they disembark from their serpent to make their weapons that much deadlier to any MCs/Vehicles that get too close (like Deep Striking Tomb Spiders). Ultimately, a very nice utility model that also has some decent AA capabilities and can intercept a separate flyer from the unit he is in thanks to Target Lock.

The Riptide is there because I had points and it seems like a solid unit, though I'm not sure how useful it will be without Markerlights (though Guide is sure to help). Essentially, it's a place to get a S8 or 9 AP2 large blast with Interceptor. Conversely, I can always throw it at someone as a speed bump or use its 4d6 movement option (on a 3+) to contest an objective.

The Kroot are the obligatory scoring unit that everyone needs to take for allies. Infiltrate or Outflank with Hound and try to hide as much as possible. Take an objective on the outskirts of the table or just go for Line Breaker.

The general plan is to set up a solid firebase with the Dark Reapers behind the Aegis while the rest of the army stays back to shoot/support the Dark Reapers or move out to engage key targets of opportunity. Ultimately, I think the list is shooty enough to not have to worry about Close Combat and mobile enough to be able to get/deny objectives. Some decent anti-air in there as well between the Icarus, Dark Reaper Flak Missiles, Tau Commander and Riptide. 

So what do you guys think? Should I drop the Spiders or Riptide to make the Dark Reapers 10 strong or perhaps take another unit of them? Anyone else going to the Golden Throne? Any Southern CA gamers interested in helping me run the list through the ringer?