In the end, I realised a few things. Firstly, I'm not a brilliant general. I do win more than my fair share, but I'm better at Fantasy than 40k. Secondly, other people are brilliant generals. Or have more money than me. My army is largely repaired ebay stuff with a smattering of new units bought from GW, I cannot afford to get 3 Riptides, or 10 Night Scythes, or whatevs. Thirdly, I've been playing loads of fantasy lately and can't remember half the rules in 40k. Which leads me neatly on to:
The 'It Looks Cool So I'm Going To Bloody Well Use It And Damn The Consequences' List
I am however not mental enough to take 2 Pheonix Lords just for a laugh, so there is a useable army in this list.
6 Rangers
3 Windrider Jetbikes, Shuriken Cannon
5 Wraithblades in Wave Serpent, with Twin Linked Scatter Lasers, Shuriken Cannon and Holofields.
8 Stiking Scorpions
Fast Attack:
6 Swooping Hawks
6 Warp Spiders
Crimson Hunter
Heavy Support:
5 Dark Reapers, with Starshot Missiles
Wraithlord, with Scatter Laser, 2 Flamers, Wraithglaive
Fire Prism, with Shuriken Cannon and Holofields
Grand Total 1,499 points
Now, firstly you'll notice no points values given (I can't afford legal action!) however those of you with access to Codex Eldar will see that there is no huge points investment in any one unit, something I think is quite important as I can then 'afford' to sacrifice any unit at any point to get me closer to winning the game (if I ever need to do so).
You will also notice that I lambasted several of these units in my last post, and I have still included them. Yes I'm fickle, but like I said previously they do look bloody good.
I have also got rid of all exarch's and all unit upgrades except the S8 missiles on my Dark Reapers, which freed up enough points for holofields and things to make my tanks live longer.
The Spiritseer comes in cheaper than the loadout I would take to make an Autarch killy, and stacks really well with my scoring unit of Wraithblades. I bemoaned their lack of outright killyness in my last post, but with the buffing monster that is a Spiritseer I'm hoping that can be addressed. As my Warlord he gets an Eldar warlord trait, which tend to be good unit buffs to start with. And then because he's a necromancer the wraith-units get to re-roll 1's to hit against a nominated enemy unit (2nd buff). And on top of that he's a level 2 psyker with two buff/de-buff spells to use per turn, including such gems as +1 Attack per model and +1 Armour save. This unit will go full pelt towards the enemy held objective turn 1 in their wave serpent, and then we'll see what happens.
The rangers sit in cover on either my objective, of infiltrate onto a mid-field objective. If I'm lucky, they might kill a special weapon at some point.
The jetbikes, in a perfect world, don't bother turning up until turn 4 to increase their chances of survival. When they do turn up, standard objective grab tactics happen.
The Scorpions are in the list because I like the models. Their purpose is to infiltrate close to the enemy and distract them by slinking towards the enemy objective, or hunkering down on a mid-field objective with stealth to hopefully deny the enemy 3 points. But more importantly to get the enemy to shoot the scorpions and not my real damage-dealers. Somebody might fall for it.
Fast Attack and Heavy Support are maxed out, partly because there is a 1/3 chance that either might become scoring units (depending upon the mission) but also because some of the juiciest choices are in there.
6 Swooping Hawks, large blast 'ignores cover' and then lots of shooty shooty. 6 Warp Spiders, jump around pumping out S6 shots to de-mech/kill infantry. Crimson Hunter for flyer defence, anti-tank and anti-terminator duties.
5 Dark Reapers pumping out 10 S5 AP3 or 5 S8 AP3 shots, killing tanks and muhreens with ease. A Wraithlord for the odd titanic battle against a dreadnought or hive tyrant, and a Fire Prism, because nothing scares people like large blast templates.
In general, the plan is to make my opponent more confused than I am,
It should be a fun list to use, but with three weeks to go I might be able to paint up Baharroth and Fuegan in time...........