Progress on Belial continues.. I have not been really painting anything since working on this model back on Saturday. But for some reason I had a twitch of motivation to play around with it a bit more last night. Mostly thanks to the comments and how to improve the model further.

As you can see, I have kept the blue/black sections, but refined them a bit further. And the green parts I have darkened up further with Caliban Green washes. I think having it a lot darker made it a lot better for this model, and I am feeling a lot better about it.

You can see the black sections that are pure black.. those will be all silver metallics. Dark silver, but still silver all the same. Hopefully it doesn't throw the model off any more than it is already is. It is already sitting with too many colors as one person says to me ( you know who you are! ).. but I am not used to just dealing with a single color or 2 for an entire model..

Am not sure if I will go darker on the cloth areas as they are very bright at the moment, which is OK for me, but could be darker to fit with the theme more. Will see when I have the metals on the model also.

So more photos below, and hopefully I will get more comments on what people think of it, and how I can improve it further!

Still not sure how I will tackle the wing parts yet. But I have time for that still I think..