So the new Apocalypse is soon to be upon us, and I went on a spending spree of epic proportions!  For starters, I ordered the following new items:

The Apocalypse Collectors Edition
1 Khorne Lord of Skulls
1 set of the new templates
1 set of the AdMech dice, the 125 dice set
1 Vortex Template

That ran me a decent amount, but nothing I wasn't already bracing to spend anyways.  However, after finally finding the apocalypse formations on the website (which may or may not have taken me longer to find than it should have...) I saw my dream of fielding an entire Space Wolf Great Company become a reality!!!

I didn't actually buy the $1000+ one-click scam from GW, but instead shopped around locally, emptied the SW selection from various FLGS (including the one I run), and begrudgingly ordered a few blisters from GW's website.  All said and done, I ended up with 4 drop pods that aren't even part of the formation, 3 extra scout squads, and a Wolf Lord on Thunder Wolf for roughly $900!!!  So quite a few extra models for over $100 cheaper.  Yay me.  Now I am off to figure out how to hide this purchase from my wife...if I don't post again in the next month, call a Life Guard for me.