This is one of the 6 Rhinos that he will be sporting in his Chapter force. I know that he is pretty insane with his ability to paint quickly, but this is pretty good quality for 3 hrs worth of work! I know that it can be taking  a while just to do chipping, or assembly. But here, he assembled, painted, battle damage, applied decals, AND did the massive freehand chapter symbol on the sides. Insane!

I believe his chapter is being a bit spoiled with all this attention being put to them.

I know that the hardest part for him on this Rhino was the decals whereby he was looking on how to make them appear part of the vehicle without looking too far out of place. Applying them to the black areas turned out to be the saving grace on this vehicle, and I think it turned out great in the end.

Next article will show off his first Land Raider for this chapter.. stay tuned!