Here are a couple of new bits for Mantic's Kings of War range...

Drawing the lots for the crew of the Blaster is nerve-wracking for the Red Goblins. The plan for the operation of this war engine is to roll it as close as possible to the enemy, and then light the fuse and run for cover. Sounds simple enough, but all too often the fuse proves a bit temperamental… leading the Goblin operator to either an explosive death or a more comical one at the hands of some very scared and very vindictive enemy warriors.

Goblins ride all manner of beasts into battle, from giant rodents to ferocious wolves, and even giant insects! The most popular mount for a Goblin who wants to strike fear into his opponents is the Mawbeast, but it takes a particularly unhinged attitude to want to tame and ride one! Thankfully, a Goblin’s desire to be a bit scary for once often outweighs his natural cowardliness.

See ya.