Vroom vroom.. here come a heavy hitter for the army in so far as transports go. Again an impressive vehicle painted up for this chapter, and in crusader format.

Nathelis has not given me any information as to who will sit in the first of 3 Land Raiders, but I can be sure it will be quite a unit once painted up!

Again, he wants me to stress, that this is speed painted once more. He finished this bad boy in 6 hrs. 6 HOURS... Let that sink in a bit here.. I have spent more than an hour or 2 just assembling this in the past, let alone painting it up. And never this well. So to see this done in 6 hrs is great work in my opinion, what do you all think?

So great work once more on this. I keep asking him for a group shot, but he seems adamant to not show it yet. I think he is going for the big bang surprise approach here.. and knowing him and his work, it will be quite the surprise. Stay turned for more!