Here's some free-hand painting of the Blood Angels chapter symbol on Chaplain's shoulder plate.
JJ typing, what I used:
3/0 Raphael Kolinsky Sable brush
Scab Red
Ubshabti Bone
Flash Gitz Yellow
(unnecessary steps)
Evil Sunz Scarlet
Blazing Orange
Bases shoulder with Scab Red. |
No stencils or pencils. Brush and painter enter into the ring. Only one can leave. |
I prefer this free-hand painting. You learn a lot about your ability and it grows every time you do it. Little mistake with Ubshabti Bone. That is fine. When free-handing please thin your paints. Use water, wet pallet, airbrush thinner. Thinning your paints helps with correcting mistakes later instead of ending up with a clump of paint on the model from too much paint being applied to one spot. |
This was the hard part. Next wing will be easy. |
Or not. Since I'm working on my free-hand decided to challenge myself further. Instead of painting the other wing the same way, decided to start each wing with a line instead of building the outline first. |
Looking ok. Always room for improvement. Damned surprised for first time painting that symbol. |
Yellow paint can be a pain because of the multiple layers it takes to provide a solid coat. That is why I started with Ubshabti Bone. 40k buddy Scott shared this technique with me at Dark Star. Instead of using white as a base, which I usually do, for yellow use bone. The yellow isn't as bright, bone mutes it a little. Which I find far better than using white as a base. |
Now the symbol is the Blood Angels chapter colour. |
Because this is a special piece for Tallarn decided to really out-do myself. Left a thin line of Scab Red around the symbol and covered the entire shoulder with Evil Sunz Scarlet. A thin line of Blazing Orange to highlight shoulder. |
Tallarn, if you're reading this you might be a little excited. If you are, check Sundays post.
slainte mhath