Well, with the release of the new Eldar codex comes a resurgence in painting for me. I picked up a box of the new wraith guard, the new spirit seer and the crimson hunter when they released and I have all but the hunter now painted. I also stripped and repainted my Far seer mini. It was one of the first minis I bought when I first started playing Eldar in 2007. I wish I had snapped a before pic of it to illustrate the difference a few short years makes with painting.

Wraith guard ready to bbq with D-scyths

 Really kind of proud of how he turned out.

 Spirit Seer. Proof that the Eldar know how to rock out.

Close up of the staff, I couldn't get the purple to show up very well in the pics.

I have one more project going on right now and it's BIG. No pics of that though till I get it done.