Where is my back-brace when I need it?

Earlier this week, my friend Jorge came over for a game, and I was able to give my horde Lost and the Damned army some practice. 

I won't bore you with the details of the game; all you need to know, is that Tau firepower, is not afraid of hordes.  While I didn't get tabled, it was uncomfortably close to a 250+ casualty massacre.  I think I killed some drones.

I did find the deployment and movement phases of the game to be fairly tedious.  Perhaps it was the summer heat, perhaps it was the inevitable demise of my models, as they marched towards a Tau firebase.  Either way, I had a great time.  I think this was the 3rd game of Warhammer this year, so I am sure that with practice, I could move my mini-monster-men even faster.  But then that means practicing, and honestly, paintbrushes and modelling tools are more of a natural fit in my hands, than dice.

Two hour and fifteen minute tournament games...  not exactly my version of a tabletop miniatures game.

Time for some reflection.