So I wrote up a little article last week, not even so much of a article more of a quick rant. That's what personal blogs are for right? You post some random pictures, discuss game things you are thinking about, some random rants about things on your mind. I commented about how 6th had impacted a large brick of my playing circle and area's I have seen. The title really said it all, Is anyone still gaming? I was hearing several people who stopped, took a break, moved on, or just can't be bothered currently because of other things going on. What I got back from our online community is some feedback about things going on around them. I actually got lots more than I had expected in several forms. Facebook, comments, text msgs, and even a phone call and a few emails from people.
What did everyone have to say.. well a little bit of everything I will do my best to recap.
Hardcore players, like I mentioned are still chasing meta, putting up wins, and rolling with the punches. Again these are the type of people that will play within whatever system you give them. They adapt and compete that is the goal for them. If I had the time and money I might be one of these guys I suppose.
The hobby crowd is not only doing better but when you mix in the fast release schedule there are several newer players or older players that are returning who didn't like 5th edition. The edition seems to favor the non competitive crowd. These guys appear to be really enjoying the new play style.
Some play circles didn't get impacted at all and are about the same in this edition as the last.
The high end version of this car is actually made of Finecast. |
Several people told me they walked away because of cost. That when you look at the higher and higher prices, plus the new edition making you pick up some units to stay in the game. It was the last straw so they just stopped playing. Some still play with a few friends, but don't buy anything, some stopped playing all together moving on to other systems, and still others just focused on the hobby side walking away from the game aspect.
The average competitive player who isn't hard core but liked to compete, well most of these guys shelved the GW models for the time being. I heard mention of cost again from this crowd but also that they just aren't feeling the new edition with allies, and fast meta. They don't like that bringing a all comers list is much harder to pull off, and that most felt you almost have to have allies to come close. Also I heard several tell me that the nerfing between editions was too great for them to reinvest. Transports became dead weight after so many people invested in them. The demon players who got Zinch heavy, well those units aren't even useful. .. etc.. 6th became initially about infantry spam, and flyers. The balance wasn't there, since so many armies didn't have great ways to deal with flyers.
There is some other feedback I got that might be halfway between a few of these points. However for the most part this is what I heard... What can we take from this?
Some interesting things.. I heard often that impact was great and the area was growing or that the impact was like I was seeing and the area was Dying... It was completely hot and cold, there wasn't a ton of middle ground responses. Old School Terminator made a solid statement though that I agree should be kept in mind. "Hot and cold comes with the territory. The game culture is Nerd Culture and nerd culture is by nature hot and cold. Nerds are passionate about things and tend to vote emotionally with their wallets"
This was interesting and something I tend to agree with but I hadn't considered.
Also I did hear more positive than negative. I will admit the sample of feedback I got was a small taste since my blog sits on a small corner in the world that is the internet. The online community is actually a niche of a niche community to start with... and it was pointed out to me that by a few people in my gaming circle that we also need to account for the fact that some people that walked away from the hobby or would have given negative feedback no longer follow blogs as closely if at all. So my results will be skewed slightly toward positive anyway.
Over all It was interesting to hear from people about the impact of 6th and it made things not look so negative in my little world, so I appreciate everyone who took the time to give me some feedback in one method or another. I was glad to hear that while my play group had cut back that there are stores close to me that are thriving. I'll continue to play when I can, and try to focus on hobby stuff in the meantime.