The gaming board is more or less done now. I just have a couple of bits that needs some metallic paint, otherwise it is done and in the end I’m quite happy with how it turned out. A bit flat but still pretty good.


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I got some good loot in the mail yesterday, some much needed mdf bases, although I seemed to realize how many I needed, I thought I ordered more then enough to last me some time.. yeah they are already used up so I guess I’ll be ordering some more soon. I also got a fun package from Victoria Lamb, I’m not sure how their package managed to arrive faster then the bases and they came from the UK. The package contained a mix between goggles and gas-masks with a pack of backpacks thrown in as well. The goggles will most likely be a pain in the butt to use but they look great so it’s going to be worth it.

I’ve been working on my VSF forces today, spending most of the time gluing them to bases and trying to decide what kind of basing theme to use on them. As I haven’t really decided on a setting yet I haven’t come close to an actual decision. It would be fun to do a hollow earth type of setting, I’ve always found those ideas intriguing when it come to gaming that it. Plus my Kroot Parrot-men should be usable in that setting just as well as in a more traditional VSF setting. I’ll probably get me a PDF copy of the hollow earth book for When The Navy Walked if it’s still on sale.

Some photos of the gathering hoard:


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