Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Ghouls,
Step right up,
Within this tent lies a chaotic concoction 
of delight, horror, fantasy and terror.
Your every wish is our command, 
Your every murderous desire brought to life, 
But i'm warning you,
There's always a price.
Welcome to the Carnival of Chaos!

I have had some photos of my Mordheim warband on my computer for a while now and after a period of painting very little I thought now would be a good time to introduce these delightful creeps to the world. Unlike with my other armies I won't post any background on them as the carnival is inherently mysterious; appearing from nowhere and leaving only blood and pestilence in it's wake...

The Ringmaster

The Lord's Men
The Pale Player
Malvoleus of Mordheim

Petruciarch the Mad

Puck the Fool

The Forgotten
Lord Biocorpseis

That concludes the first part of my Carnival of Chaos showcase, the second part will follow shortly and contain a variety of group shots to give you an idea of how the whole warband looks together.