So I am at the point where everything is built and I need to start play testing. Some guys I occasionally play with had a spot in their 1750 team match. Slightly less than NOVA but will get me used to running the units.

I brought a slightly modified list and teamed with a BA player. We played against CSM and SW. The plan was the BA player will force the other team to engage me piece meal. It worked like a charm. The BA player took heavy losses but did his job. I lost a squad of Kroot (which performed better than I hoped) and a crisis suit with 4 drones. 

I have to say that the missilesides out performed everything. Last game they did nothing but this game they created a 30-36" bubble of destruction. You got close enough and you die. The number of shots were dropping terminators in a torrent of fire. 

Riptides were good decoys but did little. The commander and crisis suits were worth it. They didn't do a lot but marker things and take a few pot shots. The marker lights made everything better. 

The hammerhead didn't do a lot. I may just skip him for a another skyray. 

The initial performance have given me lots of list ideas. Some tweaks I will need to work out and play.  That's what the next few weeks are for I guess.