We've waited a month and now it is time to reveal who is (hopefully) going to be receiving this painted model of a Tyranid Lictor.

First of all I would like to explain how the draw was made. To start with I assigned everyone a number (1-16) so, theoretically, for all you maths geeks out there everyone has a 1 in 16 chance of winning. Then I went to this online random number generator and set the limits as 1 and 16. Simple step next - click on the enter button to generate the number.... 9.

So, who is number 9? Number 9 is the name Markus Webber, so congratulations Markus, the Lictor is all yours. If you can drop me an email I can then arrange for sending him over to you, where ever you may be!

I really wish I had 16 Lictors to send as I appreciate all of you commenting and joining. With that in mind, I will try to hold similar competitions in a few months time with the chance to win a different individual model. So until then, please keep visiting the blog!