As mentioned yesterday the next piece for the ATHENA is a second CIWS "NEMESIS Mk MCMLXIX CWIS Trieste Pattern".
I initially thought I could use one of the gatling barrels I had lying around from some previous project, but realized its too flimsy.
So I started to create another gatling barrel.
First cutting two disks and drilling the appropriate holes
Then cutting the 6 barrels and 1 central rod to the proper length
and push them through the first disk, aligning them in length
Then through the second disk and straightening everything and gluing it together.
Satisfied with the barrel I started the main gun housing.
Next were the two sides connecting the main turret body with the gun. For the proper curve I used a disk of plastic card that I used as a scale, with two markings for the upper and lower corner and then simply traced the outline.

a set of 5mm spacers to keep the sides apart.

To cover the gap and give it a nice smooth surface, I cut a 8mm wide strip of .25mm plastic card, which I glued to the sides,
and as each side cured I wrapped it around the next side, following the curve nicely.
Most of the base parts already completed!
Since I had a few minutes left last night I also started the main turret body, but only got a part of it.
That went pretty well.
Now I have to complete the main body, then the sights box and the ammo drum. And after that:
details, details, details :)
I hope you like todays update and look forward to your feedback :)