This post is mainly a shout-out to help publicize the Golden Throne GT coming to Pleasanton CA August 2-4 (it's in northern CA). The communication, terrain and perhaps even prize support this year seems like quite an improvement over previous years and perhaps even other GTs so please check the web pages out and if you are thinking about going, GO! A lot of top-notch players will be going and you are sure to see some amazingly painted and played armies.

The link to the Facebook page can be found here and the official web page with scenarios/rules/prizes and all can be found here. A Dakka blog of even more terrain being built can be seen here.

Some pics of terrain and tables you can expect to see:

Tons of GW terrain to boot
A sample table they are working on
So who else is going? What are you bringing? If anyone lives in Southern CA and wants some practice games, post here to set something up or just email me if you wana get a game in with me =).