More work to show you all by my buddy Joel from PaintMyBits. I actually shared a WIP post some time ago but just received some Showcase pics of Angron the Red Angel, Primarch of the World Eaters to share. This was a commission piece for one of the regulars at the FLGS and it is worth noting that Joel is currently available for commission. I shall let Joel tell you how he achieved this awesome paint job.

"First off after cleaning the model it was primed in component pieces, arms with weapons, body, cloak, pistol and sword.  It was primed red. Yes red. I'll say it again for those at the back......RED! Now you don't have to take my word for it but when painting gold or copper a red base will give you a richer colour (when the gold is applied with an airbrush this is more apparent).  My pedigree here is with movie props; the gold pillars at Olympus in Clash of the Titans were primed red first, true story.

I then applied preshading in recessed areas and shadow underneath the model with black.  Then a base coat of Rune Lord Brass.  I  then put some Sycorax Bronze in the airbrush and gave everything a zenithal highlight.

Metallic paints are very easy to scratch so i gave it a quick satin varnish and then used Mig's shadow brown oil paint and made a wash with some turps.  Now, I didn't 'wash' the model, I placed the wash into the recess to give them some deep definition.  

Once this is dry you can start to apply shadow.  the most effective way I have found on metallic paints is with glazes. So there is no easy or fast way to do this. I started using Devlan Mud mixed with some glaze medium.  Placing the brush where i want the shadow to begin and dragging it towards the darker areas. Every time you do this, just like layering but with one colour, start the brush stroke a little lower. When you are happy with this you can then pull out the Nuln Oil and do the same to give your extreme shadows.

Next you need the highlights. Pick up the Sycorax Bronze again and strengthen the zenithal highlight you did earlier by edging the armour with it. This will draw the lightest colour into the darker sections Giving contrast and definition.  Then I picked up the Hashut Copper and proceeded to highlight the armour plates.  Also the armour was edged again in this but it wasn't edged all the way to the deepest parts. Like highlighting the edge highlight.  The last stage for the the armour was to use some Mithril Silver mixed with a tip of Hashut Copper for all the extreme edges and high points. That's it for the armour which is the main event with Angron.

The leather straps (cingulum millitaire) were a lot less in depth than the armour and were based with Vallejo Black Red.  Then a Devlan Mud wash.  these were then highlighted with Red Gore, then a 1:1 mix of Red Gore and Vallejo Carmine Red, then Carmine Red on its own. this was also used to edge the straps where needed. I applied blood letter glaze over this to bring it together a little better.  

The last real effort on this model is the face. This was based with Tallarn Flesh. I then made a wash with some Dark Flesh and applied two very watery layers.  When this was dry i used the Tallarn Flesh again to pick the details out again. Next a 1:1 mix of Cadian Flesh Tone and Kislev Flesh. Finally Kislev Flesh on its own for the very highest areas like the end of the nose and cheek bones.  

The dark bags under the eyes were a mix of blue and purple glaze mediums and were applied in very thin gradual steps, slowly building to the desired effect.

The stubble is the 1:1 mix of the Cadian and Kislev Flesh with some grey and Scorched Brown added. I couldn't give the exact amounts as it depends on how dark you want this but its applied again in very thin washes and built up slowly, adding more to darker areas than the raised ones to keep high lights and shadows."

I followed the development of this commission and I can still say I have thoroughly enjoyed reading through his notes. It is always a learning experience around Joel and this is nothing less. Thank you so much for sharing this mate it is much appreciated!!

It is worth noting that Joel takes commissions at PaintMyBits just as interestingly though he offers personal tuition at an hourly rate. I have had a few tutorials with him myself and I have to admit I would probably be messing around with my airbrush with thinned paints and still think pigments were voodoo without those sessions.

Keep your eye out for more content from Joel in the future.

- Martok