Next on my list to paint was my V1 Flying Bomb with Launch Pad. I started out with a black primer for both pieces.
Then I used Field Grey for the base coat of the V1 and a equal mix of my custom Middlestone and Chocolate Brown for the Launch Ramp.
I painted the Launch ramp next with a coat of Middlestone.
I then applied a Dark Brown Wash.
Using Middlestone again I cleaned up the Ramp leaving the wash in the recesses.
Next I painted the camouflage. The base brown camouflage was a 50/50 mix of Middlestone and Chocolate Brown and a 70/30 Chocolate Brown and Middlestone mix for the center part of the camouflage. The green was a 50/50 mix of Reflective Green and Middlestone as a base then a 70/30 mix of Reflective Green and Middlestone for the center of the camouflage.
Last was to finish with a drybrush of Bone or Ivory (not shown yet).
Next post, painting the V1.