Ahh.  Finally back at my home doing what I love.  Almost had a genuine Sat.  Almost because had to drive the car around for chores.  Hate driving.  Especially on the weekends.

Second layer of Reaper Surf Aqua.  It is a beautiful blue however it needs at least two coats to provide adequate coverage.  You'll notice on the top of the foot and back of the armour plating looks much better than the bulb and front where it looks rather streaky.

JJ painting,

Another view.  Front armour plate has second layer of Surf Aqua.  Left plates only have one.

Abaddon Black for Ghost Glaive handle.

Based ghost glaive Airbrush Army Painter Mat White.

Abaddon Black for flex points and vents.

Vallejo Brassy Brass for blades, shield and cowl.

Airbrush Surf Aqua.

Airbrush Vallejo Model Air Metallic Artic Blue

Hawk Turquoise.

Regal Blue.

slainte mhath