Plenty of light here for painting. Nothing like a natural source.

This is one of those 'I am not dead' posts. All miniature and blog related work has ceased due to a temporary change in circumstance too dull to explain here. All that needs to be said is that my usual painting area has been blocked by tradesmen and I have little access to my collection. Thankfully, I have a portable kit box that I was able to salvage and move into another room and have just received two lovely purchases from eBay this week to get working on. As you can see above I have made myself a little Oldhammer area out of the way from the wife and kids and should be able to get some pieces done over the next week or so.

I am setting myself a challenge. I am calling it the 'Two Carts Challenge' and with it I hope to break the nearly three month painting hiatus that has gripped me recently. The carts in question can be found below.


On the left we have the famous Plague Cart, which I discussed some time ago while on the right, the famous, in collecting circles only it seems, Adventurers Cart. I was aware of both pieces for some years but it was only when I dismantled the models that I realised that they share a similar design and the same chassis. The ingenious ways in which Citadel recycled this thisand that back in the 80s always amuses me. Even the skeleton chariot wheels have been reused to add a little undead feel to the Plague Cart.

The adventurers cart is good to go. I have cleaned it up and hope to build it tonight. I will be painting the undead cart later, as the miniature needs a trip down Dettoll Alley before I take up my file with it.

I doubt I'll be able to update for a while, perhaps into late July, but who knows... Next time we talk, I hope to have a completed cart to show off. In the meantime, if you know anything about the adventurers cart models ( as I believe there are a number of versions) please drop the details into the comment section below or email me at the usual address.

I'd love to know more about carts.
