I have the Void sirens team for Mantic Games Dread ball, I call my team Oceanus City Myrmidonnas. I have a test figure done, the rest is on the way.
I'm waiting for a head to finishing up the team, I had the bad luck to get a Judwan head instead of the Void Sirens head in the box, Mantic games did send a new head that got ripped out of the envelope during shipping, so the great guys over at Mantic will send a new head.

Base: White
Top part; Hawk Turquoise
Mid part; Sybarite Green 2:1 Hawk Turquoise
Lower part;  Sybarite Green
Wash; Asurmen Blue
Black details: Abbadon Black
Orange details: Jokaero Orange / Fire dragon Bright

After painting the body and washing it I went over with with the same colours that I use under the wash, so the Turquoise  areas are painted again with Hawk Turquoise and so on. Highlights are to be added, I will just add some white to the colours for the coming highlights
Black details is highlighted with Thunderhawk Blue.
The Orange shoulder details is washed several layers with Army painter Strong Tone quickshade to build up the gemlike shoulders and finishing of with a white dot.

Here's the WiP;

Test figure

Team WiP