Despite not having posted up much hobby recently, I've actually been achieving quite a lot.  We've taken it upon ourselves to slowly get up earlier (5 mins every week) and this means that I can get in 20 mins or half an hour of modelling/painting each morning and its showing results.

I've almost finished the second 5 men for "Squad II" for One Force.  You can see them below both with and without their jump packs

Still to do on them is to shade and highlight the squad markings, and then apply battle damage and weathering, however, they're more than ready to get onto the battlefield, so I thought I post them up.  I also looked back over my posts and couldn't find any pictures of the first 5 men for the squad all painted up, so I've found the best I could, and once I've finished these guys off, I'll have to get some good pics of them all together.

This is the best shot of the first five guys after they were finished, you can see them on the right of the group shot.

I've got more to show, but I'll save that for next week when I'm off on hols, so need to have something scheduled for posting.
Please feel free to drop any comments, criticisms or questions.