So, while I am planning to start my Craftworld Eldar gradually over the next few months, I have another project that is a little cheaper to work on that I can start right now. As I mentioned in my Eldar Corsairs Megapost, I am planning to give Inquisitorial allies to my Angels of Vengeance. Now, I don't think the AoV would consort with the Grey Knights, but they are passionately anti-xenos, which is the sort of zeal that has actually gotten them into trouble (they never back down from a fight, never retreat, and frequently take heavy losses rather than retreat). They have few friends, but they would certainly be a useful tool and ally for a radical Ordo Xenos inquistor.

Some of Big Jim's Angels of Vengeance commission project, as I haven't started painting mine yet. Currently they are actually a pre-heresy Death Guard color scheme.

Now, my Angels are primarily Terminators and Bikes (I've got 33+ Termies with 2 Land Raiders and 15 Bikes, planning to expand to about 30 bikes), but I am going to add some "greenwing" elements in addition to these, including a current project to build some Deimos Rhinos for my Tactical Marines, and possibly a unit of Scouts (models I already own). Ideally I'd like to get some Dreadnoughts, the DA flyer, and a few other tanks, but those aren't really priorities, if I find a cheap dread or flyer on ebay, bonanza, I may try to scratchbuild the tanks.

I am currently working on building some older marks of rhino, which I think fit the Angels of Vengeance's second founding background. Depending on how this works (And depending on some success press molding the parts), I would like to make some heavy support tanks as well, using Blood and Skulls Industries turrets etc.

So, with very littled needed for my Angels, my focus turns to the Inquisitorial Allies. Now, I don't want Grey Knights in my list at all, so that limits me pretty extensively. There are a range of non-GK HQ's in the codex, but unfortunately there is only one route to non-GK troops, Torquemada Coteaz. I know, everyone hates him. He's definitely underpriced, and quite cheesy. But, he's the only route to run a legal pure Inquisitorial force (I don't want another IG army frankly, I already want to build chaos guard based on the Vraksian models, and that's not even in the budget/schedule). So my first need is a model for my HQ. Rather than purchase Coteaz himself, I am planning to make a custom Inquistor with a daemonhammer, and possibly a cyber eagle, but I'm having some trouble with that bit. If I have to sculpt it myself it won't look great. I'd really settle for any 40k scale bird. My plan is to go off of the Warrior of Chaos body that I am also using for my Noise Marines. This is due to the archaic armor and animal pelt cape that is already on the model. My plan is to resculpt the boots, add inquisitorial insignia, and hook him up with a hammer and a good head. I think this can wind up being a pretty badass conversion. We'll have to see though. I may magnetize his arms so I can swap things out if/when GW ever gives us an Inquistorial codex (or minidex).

Now, for my elites slot I am definitely going to take one of the GW Assassins. Since it's a single model I will splurge and get the official model, though likely on eBay. I really need to look into them more, I have no idea which one I'm going to use! I like the Callidus and Vindicare a lot, but I may get both eventually. Now, where I really get to be creative is when I work on my Inquisitorial Henchmen. Most likely I will take 7 Acolytes and 3 Death Cult Assassins. Now, I am planning to use Dark Eldar Wych bodies for my Death Cult Assassins (meaning I can get started with both lists with just a box of Wyches and an Archon...). The Acolytes are more complicated. Sicne I would like to run them with special weapons, I am planning to have 3 special weapon troops, with bodies primarily consisting of Dreamforge Storm Troopers. I have a bunch of these to use as veterans in my IG, but I have enough extra bodies to throw some over for my other project. These actually come with more legs than they do torsos, so I may need to do some kitbashing or molding to get these guys together. Now, I am thinking of making each squad 3 special weapons, 3 Assassins, and then 4 regular acolytes, so I need 4 close combat dudes, but I haven't decided exactly what models to use. If I use some Empire Flagellants and kitbash them with the wargames factory shock troop bodies, I should come up with sufficiently inquisitorial looking fighters. I will just model them with pistols in holsters. My only fear here is the stormtrooper style Warrior Acolytes will look out of place with my assassins and more crazed looking acolytes, I may also need to consider using Flagellants for those models, or at least doing a bit more kitbashing. Maybe crazed flagelant heads and mold some cultist arms, so they look like Acolytes that up armored since they took special weapons.

Imagine one of these guys with a melta or plasma gun, and maybe some Inquisitorial heraldry

That covers the HQ, elites, and troops. That leaves me with 2 force org slots. For fast attack, my main interest is a Stormraven, but I don't currently own a spare one. Since this army is trying to minimize my up front expenses, this is probably the last model I will purchase. When I get it, I will definitely give it a Chapterhouse upgrade for the longer body. I may also consider a body change to make it more baroque and Inquisitorial. I'm even open to 3rd party models (although Puppetswar is making the only thing close and its not what I want), so we'll see.

Now, my heavy support choice is my favorite project of the army, you might call it my centerpiece. As many of you know, big models are my favorite (it was the Defiler that got me to start playing the game back in 2007), so I am definitely planning to purchase a Dreadknight for my army. The only issue is that the model has a Space Marine built into it. But, if I do some heavy converting, I will be able to build something that is sufficiently different and looks Inquisitorial rather than Grey Gnight

So, with this army complete, I've got a decent amount of big models: 2 Daemon Princes, a Great Unclean One and a Defiler for my CSM/Daemons (still need to get 2 mauler fiends, a 3rd Daemon Prince, and a Soul Grinder), a Hive Tyrant and a Tervigon for my Nids (since the tyrant is the old metal one and the tervigon is a fex conversion, I need to buy one of each with the new models), a Dreadknight for my DA/GK, a Wraigthknight for my Eldar/Dark Eldar, and I've got my scratchbuilt titan for my Maelstrom Warders (plus I've still got a baneblade purchase planned for them). This leaves the Tau bad boy, possibly Necrons with some C'tan, and of course if I ever build the Orks I have in my closet, a Stompa for them. I think that's all the really big models, I'll get there someday! I am going to start looking at a Necron force in the near future (probably will put Ork allies in), and probably Tau once Farsight Enclave comes out, I honestly really want an army with all battlesuits!