Hi All,
DOC is back, So I will be posting more up about running events in the meantime post WW13 I have managed to get back into some of my own modelling projects.
So I have posted about my fledgling Pre Heresy Death Guard Army before here and here. Since then I have come to some clear conclusions on how to progress and purchased quite a bit for the army. The original plan was to paint one marine army which could be used as a Legion army, Space Marine Army and Chaos Space Marine Army. To be frank after testing this out and comments from friends I have revised this.
I am now concentrating on a Legion / Space Marine Army. Separate to this will be a chaos army which I have painted some test mini's for however, Ill save that for another day. So onto my Pre Heresy Death Guard (PHDG). A number of models have been built and I am using a number of variant armour types; to be honest I cant afford to stick to forgeworld throughout the whole army. So I have used some chaos marine parts, regular marine parts and icon removed dark vengeance marines in this first squad. In future squads I have some Iron Armour forgeworld variants, Heresy Armour variants and I have used some Kromlech legs. The army I hope will have a feel of being around and in battle for a prolonged period.
Ok on to the showcase of the first few models I have finished:
This is just a regular marine form Dark Vengeance (DV). This is my first attempt with the weathering powders. I have used them to give the legs a real dirty finish and to add a burnt look to the vents on the backpack and gun barrels. Overall I think I have the feel I want. Having looked around the internet I have seen some really battle damaged PHDG but that wasn't the feel I wanted. I have gone for a halfway house and I think I will stick with this throughout the army now.
The next two are the Plasma Cannon and Plasma Gun armed marines from DV. This also brought a another new first Object Source Lighting (OSL). I have seen this technique grow over the last few years and I thought I want to have a go at this. I used blue as I thought this gives a great effect and I have recently seen some LukoDakka stuff done with a blue OSL which helped plant the seed. What do you think all? Any tips or good tutorials on OSL please leave a comment.
On both the plasma weapons I also used the weathering powders to help with the burnt out effects on the end of the guns which I think aids the finish. With my first use of the weathering powders I have learnt a few things:
1. You can use them wet or dry and this dramatically changes the finish.
2. The models must be varnished afterwards to keep the weathering effect intact.
3. You can mix the powders to get different colours.
4. A pot will last a long time, so now I realise yes they were quite pricy but I don't mind so much now!
Just for information these are the weathering powders I use.
Ok squad shots are next, well nearly a squad... These models take a significant amount of time for me to paint with all the new techniques and the unforgiving nature of painting white. Interesting thing about the squad is it consists of 2 chaos marine builds, 1 tactical build and 4 DV models and I think it still works. Boss Bludtoof's suggestion on backpacks has worked as standardising these pulls the models together. Finally I picked up the forgeworld PHDG transfer sheet and despite hating transfers I have done all these! I will put all the icons on as I finish each model because if I leave too
many I will never go back to them!
Ok so this project will hopefully be my best painted army I have produced to date so no rushing will be taking place. This project takes as long as it takes! In terms of future posts I will share stuff as I finish more including a PHDG contemptor and Death Shroud Terminators which I am the proud owner of! As I so passionate about this project feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Right I'm off as it's starting to thunder and I need to turn the computer off!
Pre Heresy Death Guard – Now I have Really Started!!
by extremedoc1 | Jul 28, 2013