I really like that there have been so many new releases since 6th edition first was published. There have been some serious changes as to how the game is played and how people build their lists. Now, you have probably all seen something like this posted before, but i'd still like to point out what i think myself.
It all kinda started out with the Chaos Space Marines codex last year, and since then boulders have just kept on rolling, dropping off new books everywhere... Well, almost everywhere... The Imperium still stands exactly where it did almost a year back now, if you look apart from the Dark Angels Codex. I don't think it's a bad thing that the focus has been going on the Xenos races for some time now, but i'd really like to see some new stuff for the imperium. No, I don't really wish to see another flyer release or something like that, i was more thinking of something like a 13th company space wolf codex supplement or something in that line of direction. In fact, it wouldn't bother me the least to see a full colour hardback codex for Vanilla Marines, because they are quite cool as well when you go deeper than ultramarines(no disrespect).
Why am i dragging this up? Well, i do like most of the releases that have been produced lately, and i especially enjoyed the new Eldar Codex. Not because i think they are insanely powerful, but the book makes me want to use almost every single unit in it. That is more than i can say for the current imperial codexes that i have read through. A funny thing is that there isn't really a single unit in the grey knights codex that i'd consider painting, let alone play with. It honestly seems a bit bland...
I know forgeworld is out there doing their thing with 30K, and alot of it seems really cool so maybe that is where i need to point my gaze. That will most likely not happen until i see our very own Leman Russ miniature released by forgeworld. Of course, Bran Redmaw is an interesting character that i saw some time back in "The Doom Of Mymeara".
However, I'd much rather like to see the primarch of the
Space Wolves in all his glory... (Not naked, behave yourselves now).
Hey, Now you're being unfair!
Okay, i might be a bit unfair as both Tau and Eldar really needed something new to let their brains work with, but i also think that there are some things that could be done differently, not much, but slightly. I know alot of what i would like to see is sort of contradictory to the fluff, but not being totally bound to what the lore says isn't always that bad is it?
- Some new weapons, both CC and Ranged for the imperium to use.
- More Independent characters! You can't really have too many of them.
- Some big units that are suited for apocalypse, like the tesseract vault!
- Hardback Codexes with colour pages.
- Endless possibilities! Well, not endless, but you get the point.
Mega Dreadnoughts! Like the Wraithknight and the Riptide! They look very cool, and i think something like a huge walker that counts as a monstrous creature would be a very nice addition to the forces of the imperium. Yes, i am quite aware of the existence of titans, but i wasn't thinking it should be all that huge/massive.
I guess this comes off as a bit wishlisty, but if you think about it, it seems like quite some time since there has really been anything new going on for the imperium. New things and new technology is of course very scary and inventors of such things really need to be purged in the holy flames of terra(a bolter shell to the head is of course quite effective).
+Moar Dakka!
This time around there will be bonus points on painting and i am thinking of what i should bring to the table.
I'm not even sure which army i should bring.
My choices are between Dark Eldar, Eldar, Eldar Corsairs, Space Marines, Space Wolves and Tyranids.
Some could be mixed for allies for quite the interesting combinations, but the tournament is only at 1500 Pts. So i feel quite restricted as to what i should bring and what i should leave at home. Anyways, the tournament isn't until 28. September. Any thoughts?
Well, i've had my "Rant" now... I originally thought i'd make this quite different than what it ended up being, but now that i've written it, i might as well let you guys read it. Which leads me too...
Is there something you feel is lacking in Warhammer 40K these days? I have said some of my thoughts, and i would definetely like to hear your thoughts as well on the matter.