Games Day this year was a whirlwind of activity. Not only was it busy, but it was the shortest Games Day I've every attended, having ended by 5pm! I had a blast seeing old friends that I only get to see but once a year, connecting with new ones and just enjoying hanging out with like-minded souls who all have a love for the hobby.

There was an immense amount of intense competition this year for Golden Demon. While my Inquisitor never made it off the table, and I'll address why in a post later this week, I can the keep but showcase as many of the entries as I could.

The one thing I will ask in this image dump, is that if you see your entry, chime in with a comment! I'd love to hear from you, and any tips you may have for budding Golden Demon Painters out there.

Less talk, more pictures!!

As a quick note, the lighting and hall played havoc on my camera, so my apologies for the odd dark, light or reflected shot...