I stare down at my hobby table cluttered and littered with unfinished toy soldiers.  I then look at the calendar and think, "yeah...going to be cutting it close." Yesterday was a "what is left?" day.  I know I have a mess of Kroot that I am avoiding.  An Ethereal that really isn't cutting it (more on that later).  I have all of my suits.  Plus I need to finish my drones and Skyrays.  From the looks of it I am screwed. 

That was until I dove deeper.  It was about this time last year that I put my Chaos back on the shelf and started putting lists together for my marines.  I actually feel like (and am) in a different place.  There is actually less to do then it appears.  The work that is left to have "painted" models is minimal and I actually feel good about my lists.

Last night was all about getting ready to see stuff for the oil wash.  I can't put the Broadsides or Skyrays together until I have this part done.  I did a lot of touch ups on the models.  Fixing areas where the primer was thin.  Correcting a few mistakes here and there.  Painting the port holes.  Re-painting the port holes after I didn't like the first go.

It was also a good night because I could identify what was left to be primed.  A few small pieces that I forgot to do nut got done.  I also have the two gun drones that I added to the list.  Not a lot considering the drones were the largest left to do.

The Ethereal.  It's the original one from the original battle force that GW use to release when they did an army update.  I just don't like the details on it.  I am not sure what I am going to do.  It's almost painted.  I may just keep it and finish it and buy a new one later.  Depends.  Really just depends.

I have a replacement commander I ordered coming in soon (if USPS can figure out how to leave a package and write legibly).  I have a Crisis Suit made as the stand in but as I stated before I love the Forge World model and ordered one and a Commander for my Farsight count-as. Since it should be in my possession tomorrow, I really need to get cracking on clearing my table to concentrate on that. 

I have a game Thursday at Chuck's since I can't make DW.  Playing a BA player.  We won't be using NOVA missions since the guy doesn't play much and I already have a pretty annoying list for assault based armies.  I may have my rematch versus Todd this Saturday.  I have a few strategies I want to try out versus Eldar.  I figure we will be using NOVA missions for this one.

Here is the list I will be running.  A lot of shooting and 4 healthy squads of Kroot.  Not a lot of Skyfire mainly due to the lack of air I have been seeing.  That and with a mess of missiles I don't think I will need it that much.  Having the intercept on the Riptides and Broadsides should be a help.  I loved it on the Riptides and now the missile-sides can get into the action.

I will post some bat-reps (I promise) from the two matches.