Welcome to another installment of STC Explorator Fleet! This month the Tech-Priests of STC continue on their Exploration to reclaim some of the coolest and most inspirational posts from around the blog-o-sphere that way have been lost in the Warp.
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+++Transmission Begins+++

This is a great article with a ton of different kinds of terrain included, but the one I enjoy the most is the pic above. At first glance; it's terrain. But take a closer look and you might be able to identify some common household objects that can teach us all a little bit about scratch-building.

Speaking of scratchbuilt stuff, we all know one of the most fun armies to see scratchbuilt stuff for is Orks and this article shows how to do it right! If you check out the later articles there's some shots of these things painted.

It's a tank.  Or a bike.

My first offering for this month is another retailer who I thought deserved some attention.  Not just because of the cool bike tank, but also from the interesting selection of bits to try.  Lights and diffusers, complete sets of tank tracks, and flexible pieces including ammo belts.  Definitely something to try.
Would it kill them to touch up the paint.
 That Nurgle bloke really lets things slide doesn't he.  Lots of great work if you poke around on the site this links to.  This model I particularly like as that is some damn fine weathering.  It is almost (almost) as good as the Mariners Blight work Ron showed of over here a while back.

Eye of Error

Eye have a hard time not loving something so evil that it literally one huge glaring eyeball! Rednekkboss really got the creep out factor right in this conversion, while it's not finished yet...it promises to be super nurgletastic!


I have a thing for beetles…probably cause they eat dead flesh and I think that's cool. So continuing the Nurgle theme here's a giant mutated hellbug (hell drake). It's already got the creep factor and I can't wait to see it finished.