Finally this bad boy is done!  Feels great clearing these two projects from the murder table.

Shawn had it spot on.  Mordian7th and Spellduckwrong, you guys were also right.  Damn!  Those vanes turned out better than I thought.  Good call, guys.

JJ painting,
Spirit Stone done.  Based Storm Blue with Lightning Blue highlight then washed with Asurman Blue.  First highlight of gem was Lightning Blue with Ice Blue for second highlight.  Sparkle on gem is Army Painter Mat White.  This is example of three-colour minimum with special requests.
All bulbs painted Caledor Sky.  Ready for the big reveal that will pull this model into focus.  To me its a little out of focus.  Image is there, little fuzzy, easy to make out.  However time to fine tune the contrast.

Craft symbol painted on loin clothe which is flowing with the pose of the model.

Can see how the air currents affect the bottom edges of the loin cloth.

Based Army Painter Grey Mash and Stepple Grass.

Weapon mounts on shoulders are magnetized.  Magnets in the weapons allows Shawn to decide which secondary weapons he wishes to purchase.

Critique away.

slainte mhath