Yup, a non-miniature related post, I know I don't do many of them, but I think this one is worth it...

One month today I will be jumping out of a perfectly good plane for the charity Bowel Cancer UK. I decided on these guys as my charity because of all the work that they do to help people (especially younger people) to recognise the symptoms of the disease and what to do to have the best chance of survival.

Bowel Cancer UK’s mission statement is simple:  “Bowel Cancer UK aims to save lives by raising awareness of bowel cancer, campaigning for best treatment and care and providing practical support and advice.”

For more information about the charity follow this link: http://www.bowelcanceruk.org.uk/about-us/what-we-do/

If you feel so inclined, and have the means, please follow my link below and sponsor me in my endeavour.

JustGiving - Sponsor me now!

In return, I'll post any pics of me looking scared witless when I get back down to earth...!