So the family portion of my holidays is now over.. as you can see the little guy had a blast and became quite the fish throughout the vacation! I think he spent as much time in the water as out, potentially more in actually!

But with that portion over with, now I am back in Istanbul and had time at my painting desk to get back to painting work!

Alice's socket won't paint itself, and so I have begun to lay some paint to it. To get a feel for the theme I am aiming for..

Going for the cool, off grey coloring here. Edge highlights with white ( both pure and blueish white ). I think it is starting to grab the feel that I am aiming for ( that of the latest Alice in Wonderland film with Johnny Depp ).

As you can see it is a bit more muted on the ground, and then the flowers, etc bring out the colors. I am hoping I can do something similar to this with my work.

And then for Alice, I have looked at some steampunk clothing pieces, and found this photo that I think will help guide me on how to paint her up.

I think it is very close to how the Alice model herself looks ( sorta? ).

And the layers on it will work nicely as well.

My plan will be to try to copy some of this coloring and styling on Alice, but replace the grey colors with more of a teal/turquoise blue color. And hope that it works!

As I have been told, this project will be a success or failure depending on how I paint up the face. So I am going to be researching on how to do that better, and probably do a few test pieces as well before tackling her. I really do not want to have to redo her at all. I just can't justify it, nor do I have the patience to try to remove the paint and try again.

So let's see how this goes. If I can find time I will get some more work on the socket done over the weekend until Tuesday.

If not, well then this will be the project that I take to Germany with me to work on with other painters. Hoping that they can give me advice or guide me along how I can make it look better! Plus all my basing items should be arriving at President Zaphod's place soon, so I will have a lot of goodies to play around with at that point to spruce up the socket some.

Wish me luck! And enjoy the weekend!