So.... Who else is excited that codex space marines is coming out next month?!?!?!

I know that I am!

Instead of sharing all of the rumors which I am sure you have read a million times now, I want to share some concept art with you. 

Apparently space marines are getting a heavy armor suit in which dual heavy weapons (maybe even triple weapons) can be mounted onto it.  According to the rumors, it is larger then a terminator but smaller then a drednought.  So apparently we are getting a squad of "Warmachines"

The idea of it sounds very interesting.  I would definitely consider using them assuming the price point (monetary and game wise) is reasonable.   It would be safe to assume that they are probably going to be limited to squads of three, relentless or slow and purposeful, and have a 2+ save (especially if you look at the concept art).  They may even have 2 wounds.   So it appears that it's closest relative would be an obliterator.  However if you do get to choose which weapons it has (missile launchers, assault cannons, heavy bolters, graviton guns, lascannons, or even plasma cannons), it will be a variable cost based on the weapons chosen.  It is an interesting concept and I am sure it would sell well. 

Here is some of the concept art:

So, what do you guys think?  Let me know!