Farseer Elros Mithrandir walked swiftly through the primitive, but admittedly sturdy, corridors of the former Death Korps of Krieg outpost. He was trailed by his battle commanders, senior scouts and most trusted Bonesingers. All reports indicated that the offensive mounted by the cursed forces of Nurgle Daemons the night before had been completely routed with minimal casualties incurred to the defenders. Thankfully, the mechanized wing that was deployed to hunt down the remaining Krieg forces was within range to be called back to bolster the contingent of this mostly barren world.

Mithrandir was not bothered by Nurgle's attack, nor elated by its defeat. This had been foreseen and had played out near exactly as it had been read upon the Skeins. Pulses of annoyance and concern fluctuated through him because of Delbaeth's recent misadventures with the Orks. Mithrandir offered a plan of attack to the Autarch which entailed a powerful strike at the heart of Nurgle's power base whilst most of its forces were occupied with the Krieg world. If he had accepted the mission, Delbaeth could have purged the remaining taint of Nurgle from this quadrant of Sector 135 with minimal Eldar casualties. Unfortunately, Delbaeth was not interested, as he could only see vengeance and Mithrandir did not have time to convince him otherwise since a massive horde of Daemonic energy was moving quickly towards the former-Krieg outpost. Tragically, Delbaeth's tunnel vision had caused many Eldar deaths, allowed Nurgle to regroup, and probably only emboldened the greenskin leader. Perhaps Delbaeth's blind blood lust will be diminished once he's out of the infirmary.

One of Mithrandir's battle staff approached quickly and handed him a report from Tiarna Cruinne. His fist clenched when he finished the short field summary and Mithrandir's eyes narrowed as he spoke to his commanders. "So be it. I had hoped that they would have taken this opportunity to escape rather than attempt to engage our forces. Ready my strike team, I want this over quickly. We do not have the time to let them suffer for their ignorance."

Heading to the vehicle bay, the Farseer stopped and spoke quietly to his personal aide, "If and when Delbaeth awakens from surgery, please extend my condolences for Ti'Fani and give him priority access to my direct communication channel. Ensure he uses it."


This was my attempt at narrative fiction for our campaign. I was jealous of SeerK's entries, so I decided to add my own. Also, that pic at the beginning is my first try at digital coloring. I found a black and white image of a Farseer and colored it to look like my actual tabletop model. I have put the two pictures at the end. I didn't realize how beat up my Farseer model was until I saw the close up photo of it. I guess it needs some TLC at the painting table.

I have no idea who the original artist is, so I can't give credit. If anyone knows, I'm all ears.
Ah, pewter. So durable.