NOVA is 21 short days away.  Very little room for change in my list and a ton of painting to remain.  I begin looking at what won't get done versus what will get done.  Battle damage will probably not happen.  A lot of the detail work won't be getting done.  I have a group of Pathfinders that will be based this weekend and the paint work started on them. 

This weekend will be clear coating a lot of my pieces.  My new commander came in and boy does he look pretty good.  It's also a count as for Shadowsun.  Unfortunately, it will be a normal suit for NOVA since I switched up my lists. 

Looks familiar?

I plan on making a cheat sheet to show what I need directly in front of me.  Something that reminds me to Nova-Charge, use the Ethereal and the PEN. If I get it done I will be sure to post it.

Todd posted a batrep of our game over at SincaiN40k.  I hate Wave Serpents.  I have a game this weekend versus Necrons.  I will be sure to post the results from that one.

I have also received my other KR Multicast box.  Pretty nice foam if I don't say so myself.  I really like their backpack as well.