At this point there are only two vehicles left in the guard army, and they're both huge. The Leviathan of course is absurdly big, but the other one is only really large - the Baneblade! I am a huge fan of the Baneblde, and over the course of my hobby career I've built, painted and eventually gotten rid of easily half a dozen. From the old laughably hamfisted attempt to build one out of plasticard using the templates in an old White Dwarf, to the various renditions that armorcast made, through several versions of Forge World's creations to a few of the new plastic GW kit I've loved them all.

The most recent one is a fairly vanilla take on the current plastic kit, with a couple extra banner pole additions, an extra sensor from the command upgrade sprue and a respirator-masked crewman popping his head out of a hatch holding a laspistol. The absurdity of his pistol in relation to all the other weapons bristling on the tank makes me chuckle!

Once it was built and primed black, I started off by giving the tank a drybrush of shadow grey, and started blocking in the panels that will be red - I'm thinking it needs a bit more red around the turrets and main hull. Still a long way to go, but so far so good!