Welcome to the mid week update. For those new to the blog this is the time that I get to write a bit about whats going on in the week as well as some things that mattered to me in the Gaming world today! And so, we begin.

First things first. My wife and child have been visiting family in New Brunswick, this has given me more hobby time in 5 days than I have seen in almost a year! All condensed into a few days… my head hurts. So… much… 40k. So for those keeping track: I played Kevin and his Meldar, Jason and his Deamons, Fred and his Necrons, Justin and his chaos, UK Mike and his Nids and a Doubles test game against Necrons/Nids. Wow, the only day that I took off was yesterday, and I painted, clipped a million models off sprews into the bitz boxes and primed my trueborn with splinter cannons. All in all it has been quite hobby overdose!

So, enough walls of text lets get into the nitty gritty. All this time of gaming has let me do something that I have been unable to do in a while, and that is -test- a competitive list. I had my old list, but the release of the new Eldar Codex has really changed the way that the allies interact with my army. So, 1750pts, as we prepare to go down to the 5th annual Michael Mudd Memorial Tournament (MMMT V). Here is a shot from the game against UK mike:

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This is the list. 
 Heamonculous, Liquifier Gun Farseer, Shard of anaris

3 Trueborn, 2 splinter cannon Venom, Dual cannon

20 Kabalite Warriors, 2 splinter cannon

3 Wracks Venom, Dual Cannon 3 Wracks Venom, Dual Cannon 5 Wyches Raider, Grisly Trophies 5 Wyches Raider, Grisly Trophies 3 Wracks Venom, Dual Cannon

3 Eldar Jetbikes

Night Spinner Ravager, Night Shields Ravager, Night Shields Razorwing, Flicker Fields

And then I have a few points left over to play arround with. But I must say, I have two new favourite units. The Farseer with the shard, making the huge blob of warriors fearless, and the 3 kabalite trueborn with splinter cannons! They have been by far the MVP’s in almost every game. Taking down fateweaver, a hive tyrant, trygons, tervigons and more…

Also, adding the 4th venom, means I am no longer worried of lists like this one:

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All in all, I have really enjoyed filming a lot of batreps in quick succession. As well as trying my luck against some of the nastier lists out there, crons, deamons… And lastly. Tournament prep is going well! The list we have developed for the DorkWars! We tried it last night and it played like a charm. It felt very dynamic and we can’t wait to unleash it in a tournament. Stay tuned for the batrep!

Cheers and thanks for reading.

Question of the day:

What is the favourite part of list building for you?

Skari, out!