Here is a recap of the new Space Marine AA Tank, that will be the bane of opposition air forces!

Stalker / Hunter
Dual-kit AA tank

AV 12/12/10

Hunter/Stalker are both armed with S:7 weapons 

Stalker - heavy 4

Hunter - heavy 1. The Hunter's weapon is AP:2 Armorbane. 

Stalker is the one with dual 3-barrel autocannon-like guns, it also has a radar dish

Supposedly rapid-firing AA (Like SM version of IG Hydra?)

It is not twin-link! It hasTWO SEPARATE guns that are able to shoot at TWO SEPARATE targets.

The Model:

- lots of new parts, side armor is massive and has some kind of pistons that seem to be pinning it to the ground

- front plate is also different from other vehicles on Rhino-chassis: Stalker / Hunter has one that looks a bit Heresy-era with a “bumper” that looks similarly to the one Landspeeder has (that belt-of-cubes bumper thing)

Well, I will be buying 6 of these! 
