The most hazardous aspect of the Iron Warriors.

Caution/Hazard stripes, are an iconic element of the Iron Warriors history, and I have put-off this step long enough.  Due to the location of these hazard stripes, painter's tape and the airbrush are unfortunately out of the question. 

So far, I have built up the yellow color from a testor's masterwork grey primer, through 4 different GW yellows.  At this point, all that really remains is the addition of straight, diagonal black lines.This has the eye-catching appeal of a poisoned frog, but due to said eye-catching appeal, these stripes must be applied perfectly straight.  Now, the word "perfect" has become a bit of a bother.

 The consensus of my peers, is that caution stripes should be done with tape, or avoided altogether.  The reasoning behind this, is that without tape, the stripes will never be "perfect".  I would argue, that even with the tape, it will never actually be a "perfect" set of hazard stripes. 

So what does this mean?  Well, I plan on setting out some guides with a sharpened pencil, then filling in the thickness of said lines gradually.  This should give me a halfway-decent skeleton to build from.  For reference, I was glancing through the 2nd edition rulebook and chaos codex, and I don't think it would be possible to make more hideous "parallel lines".

I painted hazard stripes manually on the base of my Alien Queen Swarmlord model, and while not %100 perfect, they certainly communicate the aesthetic.  

Maybe %90 perfect.  Perhaps %80.  Regardless, I was happy with the results.  If anyone has some advice regarding this procedure, I would love to hear it.