Dark Eldar- Pirates, Raiders without compare.
I have been wanting to collect Dark Eldar since their relaunch, and now I am about to do so. As such I am looking for some advice on Dark Eldar. The first squads I am looking at are:
5 wyches, one with hydra gauntlets, in Venom with chain hooks(?) and grisly trophies
10 wyches, with 1 hydra gauntlet and 1 chain flails, in Raider with nightshields
Succubus, with agonisor
However, I do not have the codex yet, so don't know if this is legal, or if its any good. I beleive its around 300pts. Most models/ weapons where chosen for look rather than rules.
This force is to ally with my eldar, for the look of it, and needs a paint scheme to complement. I was thinking bright orange (to contrast with the blues of my eldar) and white (to tie the force together)
Anyway, all help is greatly apprecieted.
P.S. I have nearly a squad of guardians and will get pictures up as soon as possible.
Dark Eldar: Start Up Army
by Cyphus | Aug 15, 2013