While I enjoy a game where both sides have roughly the same terrain, sometimes it's nice to throw care out the window and tell a story. The most elaborate game boards do this by taking a piece of an asymmetrical city and creating a beautiful landscape to play on.
I'm still mustering up the courage to dive in to making my own game board, but tonight I got to scratch that itch and tell a little story with the battlefield.
I wanted to put a river on the field because my group doesn't use nearly enough water and forest features. Since this was going to be a 2v2 game with a guy whose played once or twice, I thought it would be fun to divide the field length-wise and play a scenario that put an objective on each side.
Seeing the river, I needed something next to it. Hello house! After digging through our terrain box I found some flexible hedges and decided to spiff up this riverside abode. After I gave him a hedge complete with a bush, I decided to make this a small abandoned village area.
2 buildings, 2 hills, and 1 ruins later and I had a small outpost. It wasn't balanced, but it looked pretty good! And honesty, as a casual group I really liked this battlefield style. It's sad that it has to be taken apart, but if I built my own board...
See you tomorrow!
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