Hi everyone,

I am a bit late with this post, but I had internet problems again, even tough I am still above my quota of at least 2 posts per month for the summer period - so all is good.

As I said from the last post, Dystopian Wars has caught on at my local wargaming club, but it has kindled up naval battles, so I decided to buy the COA naval battlegroup and join in the mayhem.

Today I present the first painted units.  The Diogenes frigate.  The box set has nine and I painted them up in one go.

I have to say that the castings in the box set were not very good overall.  They needed a lot of cleaning and some of the detail is not always that clear and defined.  Apparently though I was just unlucky as other gamers with the COA  naval box set did not have this problem.
As painting schemes go, I wanted to keep a more or less traditional style with the larger vessels, but I wanted a more original approach with the smaller vessels.  So I decided to go with painting schemes that reflect sea mammals instead.

 The colour scheme I chose for the Diogenes is quite bold.  A main blue stripe along the dorsal area coupled by yellow stripes over a light grey base coat.  At first I admit I was not very convinced with my choice, but as painting progressed and especially after the first washes, things came together and I was content I took this course of painting.
After adding some highlights and the energy glow effect - which is simply a glossy wash of thinned down emerald paint - the frigates were ready.  Overall they only took a two afternoons to paint amounting to about 7 and a half hours of painting.  Not bad for a quick paint job (at least on my speed standards).  I will definitely continue with different marine mammal patterns with all my other small vessels.
Well that is all  for now.  Next week I will post either something on Flames of War or continue with Dystopian Wars.  I will just have to see which is more practical.

So until then, farewell and good health,
