While I am back in the states and in between pre-deployment training stints, I am trying to build the coolest looking monstrous creature conversion I can with the bits from I have on hand ... luckily, I have some really awesome bits on hand. With that said, I would like to introduce you to the initial build of the next Daemon Prince/ Greater Daemon I am working on - The Minotaur.Let's take a look at my crappy iPhone pics, hahaha ...

I idea here is to make a rushing, gatecrasher effect that also is consistent with the action found in my Gorilla Daemon Prince "Bananas" while having a unique look all in its own.

A looooooong time ago, I bought the Cygor/ Ghorgon kit from Fantasy with the intention of making Angron and I never really got around to it, but it was screaming out my name the other day, so I have re-purposed the original conversion and (basically tore it apart) gave it a make-over.

The Ghrogon makes the base of the torso and the head. I gave it some Necron Wraith faceplates over its eyes which will play into the final look. The chest plate it wears is from the Fantasy Chaos Warshrine and that bit has been begging for use! The arms are from the Helbrute kit from Dark Vengeance (one has had all the digits on its hand reversed) and the legs are from the Maulerfiend. 

I have a lot of work ahead of me, but am happy to take your feedback. Let me know what you think.