It is about as last minute as you can get. I am preparing my trios army for The Nova. I decided to make some changes after I played in a tournament yesterday.

More on that tournament later.

The Changes?

First I wanted a little more funk in the back ranks. So I added a Farseer to cast things like Guide, Doom and Presience.

Then I added 3 Eldar Bikers.  These were made from a mixture of Dire Avengers and Fantasy models.  I hate the Eldar bike models.  I think you will agree these are a bit better!

And finally I needed Kroot Hounds, but they are simply not available. So I added some Fantasy zombie dogs.  Heh, whatever works. I dare say these look better than Kroot Hounds too. Yes, they are on larger bases than Kroot Hounds, but if my opponents want to make a stink about it, fine I wont play them.

