For awhile now I've been toying with the idea of writing a Warmachine 101 series. I found an excellent one on a random blog when I first started, but even at the time it was a bit outdated by new releases. Plus I always like to try things I've seen elsewhere, and I'd really like to do my own series on the subject.
However, I don't have enough experience with every army to make a starter guide for each. So I'd like to turn to you guys for some feedback on the series itself, and ask for a few contributors to write up a starter list and "how to" guide on playing the list.
Here's what I have for the series so far, in no particular order:
- What is Warmachine and Hordes? [very basic introduction for people with no prior knowledge]
- Warmachine Resources [Podcasts, wikis, websites, etc]
- Basic Strategy Guide [good info for all players to know]
- FAQ [not quite a "rules mistakes" guide, but just common things people forget or misinterpret]
- Terrain 101 [how to set up terrain, ideas for quick terrain that looks decent, maybe a 2nd series called "Terrain on a Budget"
- Lore Overview [getting people familiar with the world and where the armies fit in to it. Maybe a lore breakdown of each faction]
From there I'll move on to a Faction 101 series where I'll look at each faction through a few different sections:
- Army lore overview
- How the army plays, including any cross-game comparisons from Magic, 40k, WoW, etc. Whatever helps solidify the army in a new player's mind
- Starter box content and strategy, or a battlebox alternative
- A good starter list (15-20 points) including models that give a true feeling of what the faction is like. For Menoth it would be a Choir, for Trolls it would be one of their support pieces, for Circle it would be Shifting Stones....
What I need the most help with is that last point. Starter boxes themselves are very straightforward, but I don't know enough to give a good "first purchase" suggestion for people wanting to really experience the army.
So I'm hoping you guys would be willing to help me out on that. You don't need to be an expert with your army, I just want someone willing to do a bit of thinking about what their faction plays like and what models you feel are worthwhile purchases that give a good idea of what to expect if they continue with the army.
For example, if I were to suggest a 20 point Khador list I would recommend this battlebox expansion (which is also the 2 player battlebox option):
- pSorscha
- Juggernaught
- Destroyer
- Man-O-War Shocktoopers (max unit)
It's simple and uses very little text on each card. However, those aren't really staples of the army and a field of high armor is something of a misrepresentation. It shows how they fare in melee, but doesn't fully showcase what they can do. So an alternative could be:
- pButcher
- Spriggan
- Kayazy Assassins (max unit)
- Kayazy Assassin Underboss
- Widowmakers
- Manhunter
Now this list is considerably more powerful, but also showcases what Khador can do. Butcher is a melee monster and likes to bring the fight to the opponent. Spriggan is a simple-but-effect warjack with a few tricks and isn't focus-hungry. Assassins are powerful, but aren't the impossible mess found in the Winter Guard Death Star - they hurt in melee but die to any amount of damage. The Widowmakers and Manhunter just pair well together, helping each other where the other suffers (WM kills ranged units, MH kills aggressive solos). The list is competitive at 20 points and doesn't waste the player's money.
That's sort of what I'm looking for. People often give cliche answers because everyone always suggest you make _______ your first purchases for the army. So I'm looking for a standard "demo" list that uses the battlebox and isn't too tricky, and a "competitive starter" for people who aren't afraid of a few more rules.
For reference, here are all the Warmachine/Hordes armies and the degree to which I need help with them:
- Khador [covered]
- Menoth [can cover it if needed]
- Cygnar [can cover it if needed] [writer pending]
- Cryx [would like help]
- Scyrah [would like help] [writer pending]
- Cyriss [would like help, but if I have to cover them it's an excuse to buy the army!]
- Mercs [need help with all charters] [writer pending for all 4 charters]
- Trollbloods [would like help]
- Skorne [can cover it if needed] [writer pending]
- Circle [covered]
- Legion [can cover if needed] [writer pending]
- Minions [need help for pigs and gators]
If you saw an army you are familiar with, lend me a hand! You don't need to do a full-blown post about them. Just give me:
- Battlebox tactics
- Suggestions for taking it to 20 points and tactics for the list
- Alternative/competitive 20 point list and tactics for it
If you want to do a full-blown post about it, I'm happy to give you the reins. Just let me know!
Contact me if you're interested or have any questions: Ray[at]Rayofpaint[dot]com
See you tomorrow!